Writings by Dr. John C. Rao

War in Hell

II. The Last Hill

(The Remnant website, December 14, 2020.)

“It’s obvious; we have to kill the King. Otherwise, we are lost!”

These words were spoken by an elderly Spanish friend of mine in 1981, after Juan Carlos, in the wake of a failed coup d’état, recommitted himself to the undoing of the work of Franco’s Nationalist Movement. And they were enthusiastically endorsed by the thousands of his fellow Civil War veterans listening to him address a conference of militant rightists in Madrid.

Destruction of the common and all too known enemy, along with an awareness that the troops were fighting on “the last hill”, with the consequences of defeat too horrible for anyone to contemplate, was the glue cementing the highly variegated crowd taking part in the “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, December 12th.

Awareness of who that enemy is, as well as just how ruthless and downright demonic he has become, demonstrates the profound “consciousness raising” in at least a part of the American electorate that has been unintentionally produced by the Pandemic Regime ruling us dictatorially since March. For the “Stop the Steal” crowd was now fully awakened to the fact that it was not just an audacious, arrogant media---which speaker after speaker assailed for moving from reporting fake news to reporting no news of real importance at all---and their buddies from the power and money hungry Political and Medico-Pharmaceutical Complex that were destroying the land. It now understood that the World Economic Forum, with almost the entirety of the international and national governmental, financial, pseudo-scientific, pseudo-intellectual representatives of the “Established Disorder”, aided by the prestige of a psychologically unhinged Vatican as the cherry on the cake, was a central element in the Grand Alliance promoting an over more open satanic “Reset” of the lives of all societies and individuals globally. The marchers saw that this enemy had to be stopped now: and, not just stopped, but thoroughly punished for the crimes against humanity that it has committed throughout the course of this wretched, though nonetheless greatly enlightening year.

How many people took part? I would not hazard a guess with respect to specific numbers, but I can note the following. I moved away from the speakers’ podium at Freedom Plaza between 13th and 14th Streets NW before the move to the Supreme Court began at 2:30 in the afternoon, and witnessed a line of march that continued unabated down Pennsylvania Avenue for one and a half hours, by which time I gave up and joined in with it, leaving more to come behind me. In other words, there were a lot of angry people present: not just seventeen Nazis, which is probably what the Ministry of Propaganda is reporting through the mass and social media.

Unlike Madrid, where my Spanish friend spoke before a homogeneous audience, the Washington marchers formed a distinctly American multitude, with the scales tipped very heavily in favor of young men and women. There were urban sophisticates and rednecks galore. Some contingents were composed of students spiffily dressed as though ready to follow the march with an elegant evening cocktail party; others outfitted for combat with any Antifa agitators in the vicinity. Protestant preachers, Catholic priests and seminarians, and Jewish rabbis offered their prayers for divine support---and direct interference in this disaster---throughout the day. Whites, Blacks, and Orientals, in the form of seemingly every ethnic group under the sun, were all present and accounted for, although I think it safe to say that the very large number of anti-Communist Chinese-Americans were the most numerous and vocal marchers of all.

Protestant groups began the day’s events early, with preachers and congregations marching around those modern walls of Jericho otherwise known as the Capitol Building, blowing impressive horns straight out of the Book of Joshua as they did so. Many of them then moved on to continue the rally at the National Mall. Nevertheless, the large bulk of the crowd moved on to Freedom Plaza, over which President Trump flew to greet it, and where the official program began at noon.

Many, many speakers assailed the most corrupt election in American History and the tyrannical elite seeking tyrannically to dominate the nation in its train. One young woman, whose name I did not catch, made a telling analogy of the current situation with that following the death of King David, when the son who considered himself to be the “monarch-elect” was already at his coronation banquet when the true successor, Solomon, butted in to rain on his over-hasty parade. Nevertheless, I found the most dramatic speakers to be the Georgia Democrat and State Representative, Vernon Jones, and General Michael Flynn.

Mr. Jones, excoriated by his party for his support for President Trump, and by some Black spokesmen as a traitor to his race, was one of the most effective rhetoricians I have ever heard. That effectiveness was rendered all the more powerful by the single, simple, commonsense truth that he drove home: this is it; this is the last hill; we have to “hold the line”. Flynn, perhaps the earliest victim of the four year campaign to emasculate the Trump Administration, was tellingly introduced as the “People’s General”, about which more below. His message on Saturday was one of patient steeling for battle on the last hill, with no concern for specific dates such as the meeting of the Electoral College on December 14th, or even the announcement of the results before the Senate in January, but with respect for each and every legal tool to stop the steal to have its “day in court”.

Still, it would be a dereliction of duty for me not to make some negative comments regarding the atmosphere this weekend, first of all, and despite the lovely weather, with respect to the ambience that Washington, D.C. offered to the visiting multitude. This was similar to that to be found almost everywhere in our Covid-obsessed land: depressing. Washington was even more dead than New York, which is fading fast under a mayor and a governor who, in Dorian Gray fashion, are coming physically to resemble more and more what their spirit demands of them: drugged up Marxist ideologue De Blasio taking on the appearance of Nero; wacko Machiavellian Cuomo, that of Caligula. A man could not even set down for a quick drink at a capital city pub, and Mass in a Mask was a shocker after my old-and-ever Normal experience at my parish in Manhattan. District of Columbia Dictatorship seemed in some respects worse even than that of our Julio-Claudian Tyranny in Manhattan! But once I pulled back into New York I discovered that the Little Caesars had out-depressed Washington once again by shutting down indoor dining to deal a final blow to the Mexican-American restaurant workers!

What concerned me more than anything was the language of almost all of the speakers. Even though they knew who the enemy was, and why he was the enemy, and that the last hill had to be held against him, the battle cry was still not the one it had to be to obtain victory against him. It was shaped by the same appeal to the Divine Founding Fathers, their unfailing brilliance, their “will”, their understanding of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, our political system as the “last, best, hope of Mankind”, and American Exceptionalism as always. In other words, it was an appeal, still now, on “the last hill”, to the Moderate Enlightenment message of John Locke that got us into this mess in the first place; that brought us to a state where, in the words of Justice Kennedy, we are all as individuals entitled to create our own reality---no matter how certainly that kind of a “right” ensures the Triumph of the Will of the criminal and criminally insane.

We will not win until the trumpet on the last hill sounds out on behalf of Christ the King; on behalf of Faith and Reason; and not on behalf of a “raw” personal liberty that aids nothing other than “all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls”. We are still badly divided between those who nurture the language of the Revolution---the moderate American Revolution promoting the more radical revolutionary assault on all of Tradition whether its proponents want this to be the case or not---and those of us who know that we must take our stand on arguments drawn from the language of substantive Truth, Goodness, and Beauty alone.

But having lodged this complaint, which I believe must necessarily be emphasized for the sake of spiritual, intellectual, historical, and practical honesty, let me go on to make a final point that modifies the danger it justly identifies. For the hearts of the people surrounding me at the “Stop the Steal” rally did not in any way seem to me to reflect the real meaning of the words that were being applauded. Those hearts were interpreting bad words in a better or even positively good manner. The meaning of the American System and Liberty was being molded by a changing electorate, and precisely down a direction that ultimately leads to Christ as King. This indicates that the “consciousness raising” taking place is, step-by-step, overcoming the evil influence of the revolutionary language, the actual heeding of whose content would definitively prevent a laudable awakening from taking place. Purer hearts are working against wicked ideology. That---to say the least--- is an immensely hopeful sign.

Alas, there is too much of the American System’s “Old Adam” still grinding out its bad effects to the benefit of the tyrannical elites seeking to deprive us of our own true “right”---the right to the Truth and the respect for proper human liberty that flows from it---for me to expect much in the way of succor from the corrupt and cowardly courts of the land, its Supreme branch included. In fact, the Justices’ December 11th dismissal of the call to electoral honesty---celebrated by the New York Times with a headline saying “Supreme Court Rejects Texas Effort to Subvert the Vote”---cast something of a pall over the march on the intellectual level.

However, it was in no way disheartened spiritually. For that crowd, filled with people whose hearts were changing for the better, once again, knew that we are on the last hill. It wanted to fight, and fight to the bitter end. And that means that even if President Trump, per impossibile, were ready to give in after further legal failures, the “Stop the Steal” marchers would force him to go along with them, perhaps demanding that declaration of a national emergency to organize a new and proper election that the “People’s General” had already suggested. It was ready to use whatever tools were required to prevent our falling into the hands of demons from hell; not just those of the American “Old Adam” whose death is imminent. Any caving in before the enemies of God and Man would be a horrendous and obvious dereliction of duty. The time for battle is now, because “otherwise, we are lost”.

Email Dr. John Rao.

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